Weaver Communications understands the difficulties associated with answering every call from a customer promptly and directing their call to the correct department, especially at peak hours. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology can greatly enhance and assist both customers and employees with streamlining traffic to their appropriate destination. If your business suffers from the same bottlenecks as the companies we have assisted in the past, a professionally engineered IVR system may be the exact solution that catapults your customer service department and serviceability overall to the next level.

How Does an IVR System Work?
The IVR System is designed to enhance auto-attendant features as well as significantly boost outbound features for business phone systems. A professionally designed IVR System is pre-programmed for both inbound and outbound calls, when necessary, to streamline communications when it is inconvenient to interrupt agents that are currently servicing and assisting customers. While our auto-attendant features of our VoIP business phone system will direct callers to the appropriate fields, many tasks can be automated altogether. This is where an IVR System comes into play. Furthermore, there are no limitations on capacity from an IVR System standpoint. The IVR system is only subject to the overall capacity that your business phone system can handle, which is mostly dependent on your current service from your service provider. If you’re not sure, this is no problem as we assist our customers throughout the process with a consultation. As far as directories and departments, the IVR System is quite expansive with virtually no limits, although we highly recommend keeping the IVR System as simple as possible for maximum usability.

Why Use Interactive Voice Response (IVR)?
Because our IVR solutions are designed specifically for your business model and needs, IVR systems offer virtually unlimited benefits from an automation standpoint. From a baseline, many businesses use the IVR system to handle commonly asked questions such as hours of operation, road directions, or special announcements depending on the industry you may be in. The ability to automate simple tasks keeps your employees more productive and allows them to concentrate on incoming and outgoing calls that make you more profitable. Staff members should be spending most of their time concentrating on profit producing activities while allowing the IVR system to take care of the rest.

Businesses can save money through installing an interactive voice response system. Their voice response system will limit the burden of having to employ additional staff when it is a risk due to the concern of long wait times. Understand that this isn’t a system that completely replaces the production you get from a human, but instead it creates a buffer for those peak hours when incoming callers with simple questions are populating the lines and interfering with incoming callers with much more significant inquiries.

The IVR system can collect vital information about customer queries. This valuable information can be professionally designed for automation to handle tasks that may or may not require an agent’s live assistance. These features greatly enhance the call flow process while also maintaining maximum productivity among agents.

What Industries Benefit from the IVR System?
The features of a professionally designed IVR infrastructure makes it a winner in practically any industry. The ability to handle practically any volume of calls coming in every day as well as the ability to create outbound calls and automate a great portion of activities in between is a business owner’s dream.

In any industry that has a high volume of calls, an IVR system can certainly help. Without the analytics of your call volume to agent availability ratio as well as duration of typical phone calls, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact threshold for your business. Simply stated, if you have hired a comfortable amount of agents and believe you are still hitting peak times that are keeping customers on hold, you are very likely ready to speak to us about an IVR system to handle the bulk of the overload. Furthermore, even if you’re not experiencing a high volume of inbound calls and need to make a significant amount of outbound calls, our solutions may work for you right away.

Any commercial business that’s going through expansion will benefit from an IVR system, even on a temporary basis. Unless staff teams are already in place, the increase in callers will only lead to the system becoming overloaded. An interactive voice response allows the less important calls to be filtered properly.

Why Should Weaver Communications Handle Your IVR System?
An IVR system is not a simple plug and play solution. It is custom designed with virtual architecture that makes sense for your business both from an inbound call and outbound call standpoint. A poorly designed IVR system can actually make your phone lines more congested than they are without it. Furthermore, there are not many vendors that go to the lengths to test and ensure that the IVR architecture is working well for your business. Weaver Communications uses professional programmers with vast experience with IVR systems to integrate with high quality business phone systems to ensure you are getting the absolute maximum benefit from your IVR system. The fact is, an IVR system is an area that you do NOT want to shortcut as a business owner. Don’t allow your IVR technology to be installed on the whim by a company in question. We hold full consultations with each customer to understand their vision and needs in order to fulfill their requirements and exceed their expectations.

Why Use an In-House Custom IVR Solution for Businesses?
There are two IVR solutions businesses must be aware of. There are on-premise options and online options. The online option is supported entirely through the Internet.

Whilst this option might increase convenience, it compromises the stability of the system. Internet-based systems are at risk of downtime if the connection is compromised. An in-house solution doesn’t carry this sort of network weakness, but relies on the equipment and infrastructure that you have invested in to ensure little to no downtime 24/7. After a few disconnections and downtime using an internet based solution for something as critical as an IVR system that is automating phone calls for your agents, you will fully understand why an on-premise solution makes absolute sense, especially financially.

An in-house IVR solution designed for you by Weaver Communications will address a number of concerns, including:

  1. The need to ensure the IVR system is user friendly
  2. Addressing poor call flow
  3. Allowing for flexibility within the system, just like a customer would expect from a human
  4. Branding that matches your business, rather than a limited and pre-programmed solution that is not brand-friendly

What are the Signs that You’re Ready for IVR Systems?

  • Your staff members are struggling to deal with the volume of calls.
  • You’re getting too many junk calls.
  • There are no other options for tracking calls and customer queries.

You don’t have to work within a specific industry to benefit from an interactive voice response system. Businesses across all industries have taken advantage of IVR solutions.

IVR Consulting Available
IVR consulting can be received directly through Weaver Communications. Installing an IVR system is a large, critical task that requires proper planning before it can be effectively implemented. Businesses should call us first to discuss their needs.

We will consult with you on what you need and how our systems can best meet your requirements. Once you’re satisfied with the customized plan we have made for you, we will install your system and teach you how to use it.

It all begins with a phone call. Call us today and improve the way you handle telecommunications!